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Zillow Listings and Status Updates

Zillow Listings and Status Updates


Why is my listing displaying the wrong status/ information?

If you have already set up a feed, there may be some listings that get stuck per se and don’t fully syndicate like they are supposed too. If you do come across a listing or listings that are not showing correctly, please contact:

RE/MAX LLC Product Support
Call: 1.888.398.7171 | Email: I Live Chat: MAXCenterSupport Services Tile – it could be something on their end such as their syndication tool is preventing the feed from coming through. They can push sync on your listing and takes about 15 minutes to refresh.

Unfortunately in our local office, does not have an option to push sync. It’s done by Product Support. What we can do is report the issue to them. 

RE/MAX LLC syndicates listings for agents automatically, and you can see where your listings are sent in the booj Listings Manager. 
Not commonly done, but you may also choose to remove a listing from any individual syndication partner if needed.  
(on booj Navigation bar click Listings ->  Under Dashboard ->  Syndications

  • Zillow Group (Zillow + Trulia)
  • Megaphone (powered by Homesnap)
  • Imprev
  • RE/MAX Global
  • Wall Street Journal (Collections Listings Only)
  • Adwerx
    When a new listing is added, it takes 24-48 hours to get the ad from Adwerx. S ome details may need to be customized by the agent manually. Again, contact Product Support if you do not see the listing. Call: 1.888.398.7171 I Email: I Live Chat: MAXCenterSupport Services Tile

Your listings should automatically feed to Zillow from the MLS through RE/MAX. You should not have to log into Zillow to manage, however, for reference information on how to manage Zillow account and listings please see the attached file to this post.